The Afghanistan withdrawal meant/means something to Afghanistan war vets and thanks to the Déjà vu aspect, Vietnam war vets. Then of course people looking for political hay piled on. Americans have sound bite interest and memory. That ship may have sailed.

COVID vaccination mandates became a horrible thing by injecting politics into medicine. The old teaspoon of sewage into a bottle of fine wine giving us a bottle of sewage. I'm an example of an over 70 triple vaxed person opposed to mandates. I'll leave my reasons out but say that you might be just the person to write something worthwhile on that in the middle of all the

emotional hell fire and damnation we see now.

The trans thing is walking into a mine field. You might be up to it. Nobody wants to discuss, they want to preach. I'll get some popcorn out for that if you do it.

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People I’d love to hear you talk with who are not quite Meghan Markle level:

The New Liberals podcast, Angel Eduardo

Free Black Thought, Erec Smith, Michael DC Bowen

Roderick Graham (would disagree on a lot)

Some stretch goals?: Chloe Valdary, Coleman Hughes, Kmele Foster, Thomas Chatterton Williams

I’d also just like to hear more about you as a person beyond your perspectives on racial justice issues. I don’t know much about you other than you are British (I think!) and Black and male.

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Oct 25, 2021Liked by Steve QJ

The conversation around vaccines interests me.

There was someone on the radio yesterday (doctor? epidemiologist? and was it On the Media?) trying to make the point that the public should lower their expectations of Public Health and recognize that they can’t know everything. We’re all in the midst of an enormous experiment, was the idea. Except that the public does realize that. That feeling is what drives vaccine hesitancy, and instead of understanding that/expecting it/working with it, public health experts and doctors lectured us, saying we didn’t understand science, and calling us anti-vaxxers (my family is vaccinated, fwiw).

I have been interested in Public Health’s position here at the intersection of science and public relations (propaganda?). They manipulate the public but for the public good. How do they make decisions around that? What do they decide to admit and leave out?

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