I took a Vietnamese name long ago, I am Cao Thi├кn. My last name is Fox, con c├бo*, so I dropped the tone mark and left it as Cao, which is a proper Vietnamese surname (there was a Republican congressman from Louisiana named Cao), which also means high, noble, or tall. Thi├кn means sky or heaven, so my name is "high heaven," as in "stinks to," a joke nobody here gets.
Most people call me Anh Thi├кn, brother Thi├кn. They would have trouble pronouncing my English name. I only use my English name on official documents.
*Con is a pseudo-pronoun (measure-word) for children or animals and every type of animal is called con. A cat is con m├иo, a kitten is m├иo con. Con c├бo is a fox, and the word has a suggestion of deviousness.
My name, David, as you would know means beloved. In Thai, teelak, often translated to English as sweetheart. Years ago, that got lots of laughs since the most common usage is a reference to your girlfriend. ;0)
You can get in a LOT of trouble not showing proper deference. What did the kid call you?
Dave (what Hoong calls me), rather than an acceptable uncle Dave. Hoong and I are close enough to dispense with that between the two of us.
I took a Vietnamese name long ago, I am Cao Thi├кn. My last name is Fox, con c├бo*, so I dropped the tone mark and left it as Cao, which is a proper Vietnamese surname (there was a Republican congressman from Louisiana named Cao), which also means high, noble, or tall. Thi├кn means sky or heaven, so my name is "high heaven," as in "stinks to," a joke nobody here gets.
Most people call me Anh Thi├кn, brother Thi├кn. They would have trouble pronouncing my English name. I only use my English name on official documents.
*Con is a pseudo-pronoun (measure-word) for children or animals and every type of animal is called con. A cat is con m├иo, a kitten is m├иo con. Con c├бo is a fox, and the word has a suggestion of deviousness.
My name, David, as you would know means beloved. In Thai, teelak, often translated to English as sweetheart. Years ago, that got lots of laughs since the most common usage is a reference to your girlfriend. ;0)