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Israel and Palestinian people are nothing but TOOLS.

- Neither one can exist on their own.

- If both were to leave the Middle East, nothing would change except that some of the existing countries roles would be different.

- Where does history start? Is it with anecdotal books written 300+ years after the events occurred?

- Point to a moment in time when an enemy laid down their weapons and were allowed to live in harmony with its captors.

“Enforced peace” is the ultimate oxymoron. “Turn the other cheek” is countered with “An eye for an eye”.

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“ Point to a moment in time when an enemy laid down their weapons and were allowed to live in harmony with its captors.”

Not quite sure what you’re saying with the rest of these points, but this one I have a fairly good example of: the end of slavery.

One of the most common anti-abolition arguments was that if you freed 4 million slaves after brutalising them for centuries you’d have a massacre on your hands. And it’s true that before emancipation there were occasional slave rebellions in which white people were indiscriminately targeted and killed.

And yet, when the slaves finally *were* freed, no massacre materialised. They were too busy trying to build lives for themselves to waste time on hate. In fact, despite the rhetoric that black people were all savages, they were almost exclusively the *victims* of violence.

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The Civil War was fought by the Whites in the South and the Whites in the North. Blacks were not allowed to enlist until late in the war and emancipation for Slaves was not even introduced until 1863. There are incidents of regiments of Blacks fighting for the North but promises made to them were immediately broken after the war... but the Slaves never laid down any arms, they did not sign anything at Appomattox. Living in harmony? KKK rose after the war, Jim Crow laws were extremely repressive, the lynching of Blacks, blocking voter registrations in the south, Segregation in schools, the summer of '67 riots across the country, BLM riots in Portland, OR and other cities, George Floyd death with associated riots.

This is not harmony... we still actively have White Supremist advocating their extinction, the BLM has done exactly nothing to move the needle in the right direction... all BLM did was enrich those who headed up BLM... just like Congress does for themselves.

I appreciate you responding and we may not disagree if we were to have a dialogue and not a monologue but my main point in my post is that when a country/or a group of people lose their resistance it means capitulation and are treated as such.

By the way, you mentioned that you don't know what some of the other points I made mean... Is there something about Palestinians and Israel not being able to survive on their own that I missed for clarification? Thanks again for responding to my earlier post.

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Yeah, not sure what you mean by Israelis/Palestinians can’t survive on their own. Or why you’re asking when history starts. Or even what you mean by Israelis/Palestinians being tools.

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“ Living in harmony? KKK rose after the war, Jim Crow laws were extremely repressive, the lynching of Blacks, blocking voter registrations in the south, Segregation in schools, the summer of '67 riots across the country, BLM riots in Portland, OR and other cities, George Floyd death with associated riots.”

Haha, yeah, you don’t have to tell me about any of this. I wasn’t saying everything was perfect. I’m saying the war ended and black people didn’t seek vengeance against white people. The things you mention are almost all examples of white Americans reacting out of fear of a black backlash that never came. And before the stupidity of last 10-15 years or so, race relations were far better than they are now.

The main point I’m making is that I think the same would happen in Israel. The chief justification for the blockade and the checkpoints and the West Bank barrier is that Palestinians would slaughter Israelis without them. But I think if Israel ended the occupation and gave Palestinians equal rights in Israel and a contiguous state, the violence would almost completely stop.

I have no way to prove that obviously, other than that in mixed towns where Jews and Arabs currently live side by side, there is (mostly) peace. And when there isn’t, it seems to be more often than not Israelis starting the fighting.

p.s. African Americans fought in the civil war from mid-1962.

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I agree some African Americans after the war started, they were small and brave groups... some even fought for the South (that I don’t understand).

Hamas is both a political and military entity... the Slaves were people who had bondage, origin, and skin color in common but zero level of collective organization. Netanyahu is responsible for Hamas having the ability to do that despicable act; he gave permission for release of funds and the ability to represent them in order to provide a counterbalance to the West Bank regime.

Nonetheless, the Palestinians have had their own bondage since 1967.

By the way, I have no disagreement with your characterization of the reaction of the South and your other statements. The sad truth is that we(USA) proclaim ourselves as the guardian of democracy but we don’t even teach our children about the abuses that was unleashed on the Slaves and the Native Americans throughout the years in our public schools... I can’t even imagine what it’s like in charter schools.

I majored in Geography with emphasis on the Middle East and North Africa with a minor in Recent American History back in the early 70’s. Very little has changed in the Middle East since then but a ton has been accomplished to move the needle for Blacks in America.

As long as Saudi Arabia is “hands off”, the balance of power will remain intact.

As an aside, my favorite History Professor had us read: ‘Soul on Ice’, ‘Autobiography of Malcolm X’, ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo Nest’, ‘Trout Fishing in America’, and a few others that actually put recent history in perspective of a controlled population. Even 50 years ago we had idealistic professors who were not afraid to give protected white kids a true education.


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