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I wish you had responded with “trans women are men impersonating women.” Because that is the truth. Sex is determined when one spermatozoan wins the race and penetrates the ovum, and that sex is lifelong. It is irrespective of developmental defects, medical intervention, clothing and cosmetics, or the adoption of some preposterous jenner idennidy.

For some reason much of the western world has accepted this pseudoscientific rubbish when it is clear as can be that fewer than 1% of this cult actually suffers from gender identity disorder, and it’s activists claim that GID is optional, which means that nearly all of “trans” is, you ready?


I laugh heartily when I read about a “trans community”; people who talk and think only about themselves, their pronouns, themselves, their gender identities, themselves, their fictitious grievances, themselves... are far too self-absorbed to work in any cooperative fashion.

They are nuisances and people are rapidly tiring of them. And their aggressive promotion of neutering children to lock them into their numbers was the going-too-far event that has energized opposition to them and disgust with their lies.

My great grandparents were machine-gunned by the Nazis in Lithuania in 1943. If I ever hear “misgendering is genocide” from someone in reach, that creature is going to wish it had never been born.

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"They are nuisances and people are rapidly tiring of them. And their aggressive promotion of neutering children to lock them into their numbers was the going-too-far event that has energized opposition to them and disgust with their lies."

Yep. This is what happens when a group of people thinks there's no limit to the behaviour they're entitled to. They eventually bump up against a hard limit and a get a dose of reality. I think, in a few years, a lot of people are going to have to come up with reasons why they advocated for operating on and sterilising children.

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Stop with dehumanizing trans people.

The trans-people who want kids to have access to trans medical procedures are not being malicious. They really want to help kids with gender dysphoria.

Like many complex issues, they making it black and white turns out to be dysfunctional. The Danes have come out with a much more nuanced view.

Your response is polarizing the discussion and avoiding the real challenges trans people are trying to sort out. It’s not the high ground!

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"Stop with dehumanizing trans people."

As if they need any help with that. Look at Paul Marsh, Dylan Mulvaney. Look at those freaks with the beards and eye shadow. What could I or anyone do to lessen their humanity?

And stop saying "trans." I sneer-quote it for a reason; there are transsexuals (maybe 5000 nationwide), who suffer from a real and unsummoned aflliction and who deserve sympathy and support, and then there are "transgenders" who are self-marginalizing freaks with a tragic need to "belong" to something, inventing a fictitious community too self-absorbed to toss a life preserver to one of their clan drowning. Oh, and then there are transvestites, crossdressers, all three collectively "trans" with the rest of their words as amputated as a TikTok girl's breasts, to squeeze into one dishonest word and pretend they're something new and wonderful. And numerous

People who perform "trans medical procedures" and people who persuade them to get mutilated should go into Moloch's belly.

Don't you ever wonder why a movement of such affirmation and kindness needs so many lies?

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You are completely fiull of shit.

Sol was banned from PITT, I hope you're next. Yeah, "they really want to help kids with "gender dysphoria," which is to say, self-reports by mentally ill teens who do not have Gender Identity Disorder, only "gender dysphoria," which is a self-reported canon to join the cult. "All my frenz are 'trans', me too!"

Yes, helping them by slicing off healthy body parts. By your lights, Josef Mengele was the kindest man who every lived.

You're goddamn right I am polarizing the discussion and if there is any way to polarize it further, I will do it. This is a violently unhealthy movement and every single position of "gender ideology" is a lie.

Now why don't you start in with "regret and detransitioning are all but unheard of," troll.


Oooooh, "complex issues," oooh-aaah. Nothing at all complex about it. Since the "rans" activists have declared that GID (or, in their case, the insipid "gender dsysphoria") is optional, not prerequisite, then they have open declared that "𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬" 𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐤𝐞. They are not transsexual

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Your leading with abusive outrage makes the comment meaningless. I suggest you seek counseling on anger management.

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