As I've mentioned in the past, I have no political home, and in the past when I thought I did I was bullshitting myself. Speaking as an American:

The partisan home of the left is the Democratic Party. It has had nothing to do with liberalism in years. It is basically a Marxist Party where the Bourgeois has become whiteness, patriarchy, biology is a thing. Me, I'm the left's Bourgeois and the Proletariat is everybody who is not me. I have no doubt that they would go full Maoist Cultural Revolution Red Guard on my ass if they thought they could get away with it.

The partisan home of the right is the Republican Party. It once was about resisting "change" with the question, change to what? At what cost to who? They appear to still be doing that but in reality, it is, stop the woke commies even if the best chance is a crossroads deal with old scratch and electing Trump or the Devil his own self.

The partisan home of the guardians of the individual from the tyranny of democracy is the Libertarian Party. Their convention is a clown show of trying to out posture each other with displays of near anarchy. The average opinion of the crew in Washington DC is lower than whale shit at the bottom of the sea so it seems like an easy sell to them, but sadly, government does have a legitimate function unless you want to live in the hunter gatherer pre-agriculture world.

The partisan home of the save Gaia crowd is the Greens and their "stop oil!" We are technically years away from an oil free world. Shut it off and in three months city dwellers who are totally dependent upon farming and transportation that is reliant on oil will be dead. A friend from Czechoslovakia was fond of saying it would only take three days for people in cities to start killing each other when the trucks quit bringing food to the supermarkets. Then you will have your answer to "Why does anyone need an AR-15?"

Years ago, a Mormon friend said "What are you going to do with your gun when the SHTF? Go hunt for food in the desert?" My sobering reply was that "You have a year's supply of food for you mini-bus sized family. Can you defend it from men with guns who plan to hunt at your house?"

And there are the warmongers who would bring a nuclear Armageddon thinking that it can't possibly go that far if they raise the stakes just a little more. It can, and it probably will one day. When?

There is no partisan or identity political entity that is not batshit crazy. None, not one. Sorry about the buzz kill.

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Well, if you didn't just absolutely nail that.

Yep, political parties have sadly become so divorced from the best interests of the people (and in many cases, from reality) that anybody who feels represented by them is either a billionaire or isn't paying attention.

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As a refugee from the rust belt, I understood that power was more important than people to the political apparatus in the US (both sides) a long time ago. It's been a while since anyone even pretended to care about the little guy. Crony capitalism is now so normal that no one even questions it.

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"it would only take three days for people in cities to start killing each other when the trucks quit bringing food to the supermarkets. Then you will have your answer to "Why does anyone need an AR-15?""

It would take three days before the shelves were empty, another three before cannibalism broke out.

And, no, you don't need an AR-15. Nobody does, aside from people who shoot up elementary schools.

With the breakdown in social order you describe, you only need one bullet.

Oh, and "libertarian" isn't a party, it's a diagnosis. There is something seriously wrong with those people.

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My Morman friend might prefer defending his family and its survival stores to killing himself, leaving his lovely daughters to their fate while he doesn't have to watch.

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Same. While I still have breath, my family will not be taken. This also means I take great care of myself in order to be capable.

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Libertarian is far too diverse a 'group' from which to 'other' them as any one terrible thing. I am not LIbertarian, but it sounds nicer than 'Republican' or 'Democrat'. What then is a good group?

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The HAVE been varieties of libertarianism but the only one with any prominence is the pathologically selfish variety.

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John is not wrong that “Israel is in no way blameless” in its treatment of the Palestinians. I am one of the many Jews, both in Israel and here in America and around the world, who have been critical of Israeli governments and policies, probably at least since you and John were in diapers. Immediately before these latest events happened, the Jewish world was riven by the quasi-fascist turn Israel’s government seemed to be taking.

But families close ranks in times of crisis. Jews everywhere recognize a pogrom when we see it. Angry mobs shouting “Gas the Jews!” send chills down every Jewish spine on earth. Just as you say in your piece, “it doesn’t matter how much somebody criticises their family. It doesn’t mean *you* can criticise their family.” For all my criticism of Israeli actions, I also know the history of Palestinian intransigence, rejectionism, and terrorism that has pushed Israeli politics so far to the right. To those Palestinians and their sympathizers cheering, condoning, and justifying the Hamas atrocities, I say look to your own contribution to the present situation. I acknowledge your grievances, but I stand with my family.

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Yep, I agree with, or at least sympathise with, everything you say here. My only quibble is this idea that you can't criticise other people's family. In the case of my ex, this unwillingness too truly face the issue let to misery for everybody involved. Including her sister. That irl desperately needed somebody to give her a wake up call. And nobody did. So she just got worse and worse.

There are lots of realities about ourselves and our tribes that we might find uncomfortable. But at some point, we have to find the maturity to face them squarely and honestly anyway. I'd say, the point where thousands of family members are dying is as good a point as any to do that.

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"I acknowledge your grievances, but I stand with my family"

Moralistic views held by those with the privilege of distance are dashed when they are in the killing field. Good guys and bad guys become our guys and their guys.

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I absolutely can’t stand it when leftists sub in word games and obfuscation for actual argument. The whole “ackshully nobody is learning CRT in schools” was a good example. Anyone with an IQ above the single digits would have known that it was objecting to some rather nutty ideas regarding race and sex that was causing the issue. That FdB article is the antidote to such stupidity and it’s no coincidence that your reply guy dipped after seeing that. Same with deliberately ignoring the use-mention distinction: you’re GUARANTEED a to hear “oh, you’re sticking up for that NYT guy who got fired for a quote? You just want to say the n-word!”

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"The whole “ackshully nobody is learning CRT in schools”

Yep, excellent example. So many people nowadays seem to believe that they can solve problems by playing stupid word games. Rather than address the issue of rapists being sent to women's prisons, let's pretend we don't know what the word woman means. Rather than address the resurgence of segregation and race essentialism in the classroom, let's quibble about what CRT *really* is. Rather than examining the roots of the dramatic rise in young girls spontaneously deciding to take male hormones and get their breasts cut off, let's call any concern about this transphobia. It's infuriating.

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I love what you write so often and especially this time.! Thank you so very much for expressing in such rational and eloquent terms what many of us on the left and indeed decent, sensible people of all political stripes are feeling these last few years. Please keep it up!

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Thanks Joseph! Will do!

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Scathing, true to the root, and core honest. The woke left has lost its moral compass entirely. Actually celebrating the murder of innocents? Jesus what kind of human are you? I cringe from interacting with you. I want nothing to do with your horrific jubilant rallies in support of death. Please go away quickly and maybe, someday, look in the mirror and know how terribly wrong you were and are.

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Self-righteousness is a mind virus that eradicates both rationality and heart.

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Again, I see nothing of the political left in the SJWs or the "woke."

Find me one (1) of them who can articulate a single coherent political position on any side. Pardon me if I don't wait around.

These are fools. Look no further than the denial of scientific fact.

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Israel has been murdering Palestinians since they set foot on Palestinian shores. In 1948 men who would later be Prime Ministers of Israel stepped proudly over the corpses of men, women and children. Never again! they intoned repeatedly, and it was the recent holocaust that led the world to turn a blind eye to the theft of others’ land to create a “safe space” for Jews.

Fast forward 75 years. The theft is ongoing, there is almost no land left for a Palestine, as that psychotic butcher Netanyahu orders more and more “Jewish settlements” to make certain that a two-state solution is impossible.

Israel murders as many Palestinians as Hamas did Israelis regularly and the strongest objection America can muster is “unhelpful.”.

Yes I condemn Hamas’ savagery but it wasn’t the beginning of anything.

I note that a month later, October 7 is a footnote to 4000 dead Palestinian children as the world learns, for the first time in most cases, about the cruelty of the Occupation.

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"Yes I condemn Hamas’ savagery but it wasn’t the beginning of anything."

I wish more people could understand this very simple piece of moral and historical clarity. SO many people see to think this all started October 7th, or even that Hamas cares about liberating the Palestinian people.

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I think you may have misunderstood Chris Fox’s comment. Or maybe I have 🤔

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Your judgment of “moral and historical clarity” means a lot to me, Steve. Thank you.

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After reading Ian Black’s “Enemies and Neighbors,” it is clear to me that any credible opinion on this conflict has to start at the beginning, with the Zionist vision in the late 1800’s of creating de novo a Jewish political entity in Palestine. All the thousands of historical incidents along the way boil down to the same essential dynamic of Zionists taking control and possession of Palestinian’s land and crushing any resistance to accepting it as a fait accompli, and then describing it as refusal to accept Israeli’s “offers of a peaceful solution.”

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"It’s like there’s a fire in your house and you’re mad at me for pointing to it." I am stealing this.

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hear, hear!

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There's bad lines bein' drawn. Nobody's right, if everybody's wrong. A thousand people in the street, singing songs and carryin' signs, mostly say, "Hooray for our side".

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Battle lines.

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Chris, for over fifty years the line for me has been "bad lines", and since the sentiment is basically the same, I ain't gonna be changing it any time soon.

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And I’ve heard the opening of Walking Through Heaven’s Door as “You Find Me Here” when it’s “We’re finally here” and I’m not changing that, either.

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Thank you.

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The problem with the wokies isn't only that they support filthy genocidal terrorists; it's that they've been wrong about so, so much which you've covered here. (Except for feminism since you seem, Steve, to think it's outside your wheelhouse. I don't think it is. Criticizing racism *and* antiracism isn't outside *my* wheelhouse; esp with antiracists who think they know my head better and who think 'lived experience' is higher-quality data than actual hard data).

They really should have jumped their shark with their ludicrous misogynist and homophobic support of transgenderism and GAC for kids. But no, that wasn't insane enough for America; these little fucks had to applaud HamsterAss to cause a gag reflex in the rest of the country.

I see this 'They're not REAL XXX," all the time. When I lived in the US American Christians denied the 'fundamentalists' were real Christians, and conservatives deny Trumpers are true conservatives. Both may very well be right (fundamentalists ask 'What would Jesus do?' and then do the exact opposite, and the Trumpers are more fascist than conservative) but the problems are still in *their* houses, just as the wokies are *our* problem. And I think justifying mass murder is one step closer to being able to murder on their own. They've been showing signs of being ready to embrace violence as political expression for a few years now.

Do I think the Trumpers might murder me if social collapse hit a certain tipping point? Hell yeah, and I think the wokes might too. I don't trust either of these bastards in the dark.

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"Except for feminism since you seem, Steve, to think it's outside your wheelhouse. I don't think it is."

Interesting. No, I don't think it is either, what make you think I do? I don't call myself a feminist as the term is just too diffuse and loaded (much like woke, actually) but I don't think women's issues are outside my wheelhouse. I've written about abortion and sexual abuse and, of course, what women are, lots of times.

But yeah, the TRAs are ahead of the curve when it comes to violence. The woman-hate adds a little extra fuel to the fire I think. But absolutely, Aruna Khilanani talking about killing white people at Yale, Scottish politicians posing in front of a decapitate TERFs sign, anybody who thinks these woke people wouldn't cheer and/or join a pogrom of their political opponents is deluded.

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I think my perception that you tend to stay away from feminist issues comes from maybe something or other you said over the years to the effect that you stay away from it, that it's not your experience. I could be wrong. Yes, you've written a lot on transgenderism and its effect on women. You don't seem much critical of extremist feminism, and they have a few on Medium lol. That's why I really started formulating my Grow Some Labia, assert yourself, don't *allow* physical abuse theme. Too many women on Medium without a fucking clue about it, and too many feminists terrified they might actually grow some labia and take responsibility for themselves. Personal responsibility is as taboo for the woke as it is for the MAGAs.

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A bit off topic, but there is some hope in the transgender arena: https://genspect.org/genspect-launches-new-think-tank-to-draft-a-gender-care-framework/

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Yes. I saw that earlier this week. Finally, another organization to counter the WPATH propaganda!

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That “they aren’t real XXX” is only of tangential interest; MAGA is FAIAP conservatism and fundamentalism is FAIAP Christianity. Even if not majority, they are their voices.

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“Jewish settlers,” they call them. Like me, they are Jewish descended; like me, they’ve been unobservant for generations. They are a rabble, Russians and American NRA types who came to kill people without fear of reprisal.

Get to know them.

A settler woman talks to the cameras in the voice one uses to admonish children, telling an astonishing six lies in ten words.

An elderly settler woman picks up a clod of desert dirt and, voice and fist both shaking, screams, “This is from God! It belongs to the Jews!” It's a clod of dirt, lady. Get a fucking grip.

As long as these vile people occupy Palestine, there will be no peace.

Watch to the end.


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There are always, sadly, extremists on opposite ends of the political (and human) spectrum. They must not be coddled, either extreme. It’s really more like an oburous (snake eating its own tail) than a straight line spectrum, I think. The “ends” are both poisonous. That said, it was the Arabs and Palestinians who resisted making any more room for any more Jews before the Balfour agreement/ UN, (including giving Palestinians a state with Israel.) It was the Arabs/palestinians that declared war on Israel 24 hours after its inception (both sides had already been fighting preemptively for some time before that.) Ironically not only do the Jews have thousands of years of history in that specific area (and were chased out or left due to conditions) but many are genetically related to the other “groups” of Arabs, Palestinians, bedowins, Druze, etc. that also resided in that area. All have claims that area (which was undefined at the time) to varying degrees; “justified” by the “we were here first” so don’t take anything away from us philosophy. Jewish people merely returned in number, officially. And obviously people have been fighting over land and resources for millennia so all these people have some claim to the area. Although why, exactly, we think that Homo sapians, who have moved out of Africa in waves and populated the world should be given presidence as “first peoples” and then no one else is allowed to move in, at all, under any circumstances, is beyond me. . Neither side should be so intransigent- except for the fact that Hamas, and the many Arabs/Palistinians who support it and other terrorist groups, are actually, literally intransigent. They have stated their belief in Jihad of all the Jews (& anyone else who is not the right kind of Muslim) from that area and claim it as Exclusively theirs. BS. That makes their position all the more deadly and unsurvivable, and therefore is the “greater offense”(?)/ bigger of the two problems (?) that must not be coddled. Yes the settlers must be moved off and not coddled too, but what to do about the nihilists?

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LOL I was going to post the very same video in response to your post.

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I'm not religious but you get a hearty "amen!" from me this time.

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@Nicole/Labia: the two spaces after a period is an astonishingly difficult habit to break. It appears to be spinal at this point.

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