I can never compliment You enough, Steve. How BRIGHT Your star shines! That's not to take ANYTHING away from Jen Segal's BRILLIANCE!

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Thank you Jay!

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This man is really, really angry. He doesn’t see people, he sees groups. He sees nothing wrong with the hateful rhetoric of the company urging employees to ‘act less white’ what the hell does that even mean?

I had an earnest conversation with a beloved friend who was explaining white privilege. I understood her explanation, and said ‘okay’. I’m white in a majority white country and that had advantages. What would you like me to do with this insight?

She fumbled, noted I should acknowledge same and try to support others who don’t have this privilege.

My question: treating my fellow humans with mutual respect, treating others as I would want to be treated, acting with integrity and honor and holding individuals accountable for their own actions - how much more can I do to be a humane and human actor on the worlds stage? I truly do not know what else is expected of anyone.

Can the same be said of those with ‘Chinese privilege’ or ‘Japanese privilege’ or ‘French privilege’? Nope, just my beautiful country that has continued to strive for an acceptance of all comers. Perfect? Course not. Better than a lot of others? Yep.

Your guy hates white people. ‘They’, ‘them’ - he’s gleeful at shaming and hurting others based on their skin color. I shudder to think what he’s teaching his younger community members. A viscous payback against those who did nothing to him in 2021.

I cried when I read about a white retarded boy abducted by black kids in Chicago who made him drink toilet water and shaved his head because he was white and they were angry about Trump. Jesus. Where is your damned humanity?

If you can’t see the human being under the skin color you are a bigot. Your correspondent is a bigot. Ugh Steve, this isn’t fun but it’s searingly real. Thank you for continuing to try and break through.

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"What would you like me to do with this insight?"

This is the question I keep coming back to. What is productive about any of this? Why are there no millionaire grifters profiting from the fact that my sexuality or my height or my "able-bodiedness" has never counted against me? Why is it just assumed that these and other privileges are eclipsed by the fact that I'm black? It should be obvious what message this sends.

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As I "said" to Steve. :)

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Jul 12, 2021Liked by Steve QJ

Steve, I want to say that I appreciate your mind and philosophy. There are times when I think I might be going mad about what I read and what people want me to believe, yet you somehow bring a sense of sanity to the chaos. Thank you, and keep up the great work.

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Thanks a lot Sam. Sadly the loudest voices are often the most extreme. There are far more sane, reasonable people out there than the crazies would suggest.

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“Black people in the U.S. seem to be the only group that doesn't respect the wisdom of their elders.” -Ray

OK Boomer ;0)

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Oh! Yer really FUNNY at the end. I vote for BOTH of them. Also thought of a song title: "Who'll Stop the Ray-n." Haha!

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deletedJul 27, 2021Liked by Steve QJ
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Yeah, I agree. I just had a long conversation in another thread about how I don't think "hate" is an accurate way of describing Ray's feelings. Angry? Yes. Bigoted? Definitely. But I wouldn't say hateful.

As for whether he becomes more optimistic, well, I won't give away the ending 😁

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deletedJul 27, 2021Liked by Steve QJ
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Yeah, I'm not trying to heat him up. He seems to do a good job of that all on his own.😅 But I do think it matters that he's out there spreading his anger to other people. That's why I think it's important to try to get through to him.

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