One thing that makes this debate so never-ending is that, as in the debate over CRT, the definitional goalposts keep moving all over the football field. So, when pushed, there tends to be a retreat. Willful disregard of reality. The following is from a recent online conversation on Substack with a trans woman. It's as if Lia Thomas and "…
One thing that makes this debate so never-ending is that, as in the debate over CRT, the definitional goalposts keep moving all over the football field. So, when pushed, there tends to be a retreat. Willful disregard of reality. The following is from a recent online conversation on Substack with a trans woman. It's as if Lia Thomas and "sex is a spectrum" never happened.
ALL I ask is for trans women to acknowledge that they are trans women. Why is that so hard?
"All the anti-trans stuff is happening now because the right wing lost the gay culture war, and they explicitly targeted trans people as a new focus and point of division.
You are also using a clear straw man. Nobody is saying "trans women are literally women." That is, nobody is saying trans women have XX chromosomes and are born with a uterus and such. I mean that makes no sense. What they are saying is in terms of gender identity, trans women are women. That is, in their sense of who they are, often from very early in childhood, their gender identity is that of a woman.
There is plenty of scientific research to back this up. And the growing acknowledgement of trans children comes from years of real research on trans people that shows that gender identity is a distinct thing and typically develops at a young age (around 3-4).
If you don't want to recognize that, you are arguing against fairly well established, at this point, scientific fact. If you do recognize that scientific fact, the recent stuff being done against trans children looks especially cruel."
“You are also using a clear straw man. Nobody is saying "trans women are literally women."
Oh, yes they are. Where have you been? They’re saying exactly that and labeling any denial of exactly that as “hate” and getting people fired for it.
We are expected to believe that a man who identifies as a woman” literally is one, with menstruation and all the rest, that denial of this is bigotry, that biology is hate
Read about Colin Wright’s experience seeking academic employment.
That age 3-4 thing (more accurately, 4-6) is true GID, and occurs in one boy in 30,000, one girl in 100,000. Source: Black’s Medical Dictionary, 2017 edition.
Averaging, that’s one in 65,000. These people are real.
The “trans” claim about one in 65, and under DSM5, GID has been replaced with “gender dysphoria” and diagnosis has been replaced with the frivolity of self-reports, mostly by impressionable and conforming teenage girls.
Playing along with this fad does harm. Terrible harm, psychological and somatic. Including surgical sterilization.
Stand up for truth, starting with nomenclature. They are not “trans women,” they are “transsexual-identifying men,” and vice versa.
One thing that makes this debate so never-ending is that, as in the debate over CRT, the definitional goalposts keep moving all over the football field. So, when pushed, there tends to be a retreat. Willful disregard of reality. The following is from a recent online conversation on Substack with a trans woman. It's as if Lia Thomas and "sex is a spectrum" never happened.
ALL I ask is for trans women to acknowledge that they are trans women. Why is that so hard?
"All the anti-trans stuff is happening now because the right wing lost the gay culture war, and they explicitly targeted trans people as a new focus and point of division.
The New York Times actually recently had an article about this, though there is a lot it doesn't cover about the planning behind that original 2016 attempt at targeting trans people:
You are also using a clear straw man. Nobody is saying "trans women are literally women." That is, nobody is saying trans women have XX chromosomes and are born with a uterus and such. I mean that makes no sense. What they are saying is in terms of gender identity, trans women are women. That is, in their sense of who they are, often from very early in childhood, their gender identity is that of a woman.
There is plenty of scientific research to back this up. And the growing acknowledgement of trans children comes from years of real research on trans people that shows that gender identity is a distinct thing and typically develops at a young age (around 3-4).
If you don't want to recognize that, you are arguing against fairly well established, at this point, scientific fact. If you do recognize that scientific fact, the recent stuff being done against trans children looks especially cruel."
“You are also using a clear straw man. Nobody is saying "trans women are literally women."
Oh, yes they are. Where have you been? They’re saying exactly that and labeling any denial of exactly that as “hate” and getting people fired for it.
We are expected to believe that a man who identifies as a woman” literally is one, with menstruation and all the rest, that denial of this is bigotry, that biology is hate
Read about Colin Wright’s experience seeking academic employment.
That age 3-4 thing (more accurately, 4-6) is true GID, and occurs in one boy in 30,000, one girl in 100,000. Source: Black’s Medical Dictionary, 2017 edition.
Averaging, that’s one in 65,000. These people are real.
The “trans” claim about one in 65, and under DSM5, GID has been replaced with “gender dysphoria” and diagnosis has been replaced with the frivolity of self-reports, mostly by impressionable and conforming teenage girls.
Playing along with this fad does harm. Terrible harm, psychological and somatic. Including surgical sterilization.
Stand up for truth, starting with nomenclature. They are not “trans women,” they are “transsexual-identifying men,” and vice versa.
And “nonbinary?” Shun them unreservedly.