Oh Steve- it's uncanny how often you speak my mind. Indeed, nobody with any integrity should fear facts and logic and truth, because all they destroy are lies. And often we have to empathetically and diplomatically sneak fact, logic et al into a discourse in order not to scare the audience away- because lies are easier and because promot…
Oh Steve- it's uncanny how often you speak my mind. Indeed, nobody with any integrity should fear facts and logic and truth, because all they destroy are lies. And often we have to empathetically and diplomatically sneak fact, logic et al into a discourse in order not to scare the audience away- because lies are easier and because promoting lies often makes you look like a "nice" person. Whereas sticking to facts and logic and not relativizing them is frequently interpreted as being obstinate, partisan or , worst case, cruel. Admittedly, it is sometimes hard to courteously and compassionately stick to facts and logic while communicating with people who just make shit up as they go along( but weirdly still expect others not to lie to them, people to stop at traffic lights, their doctor to not harm them and all the other wonderful conventions humanity has in place). Go figure.
Oh Steve- it's uncanny how often you speak my mind. Indeed, nobody with any integrity should fear facts and logic and truth, because all they destroy are lies. And often we have to empathetically and diplomatically sneak fact, logic et al into a discourse in order not to scare the audience away- because lies are easier and because promoting lies often makes you look like a "nice" person. Whereas sticking to facts and logic and not relativizing them is frequently interpreted as being obstinate, partisan or , worst case, cruel. Admittedly, it is sometimes hard to courteously and compassionately stick to facts and logic while communicating with people who just make shit up as they go along( but weirdly still expect others not to lie to them, people to stop at traffic lights, their doctor to not harm them and all the other wonderful conventions humanity has in place). Go figure.
"And often we have to empathetically and diplomatically sneak fact, logic et al into a discourse in order not to scare the audience away"
Haha, you've described my entire adult life in a single sentence.😅😭