I detest being the one to bring up male advantage as some instead glory in it, but sometimes it is needed. 98-99% of females on this planet (including trained athletes) I can throw into that stall in a moment. I am strong but not at all rare in this ability.
Never mind that I am tall enough to look down over most bathroom stalls and remov…
I detest being the one to bring up male advantage as some instead glory in it, but sometimes it is needed. 98-99% of females on this planet (including trained athletes) I can throw into that stall in a moment. I am strong but not at all rare in this ability.
Never mind that I am tall enough to look down over most bathroom stalls and remove all privacy for occupants. Unless the stall walls go to the ceiling, every private view is available to even short criminals from an extended arm and phone camera. This is already a common bullying tactic by girls to other girls at school. This is not lost on boys who, before cell phones, would place a mirror on their foot in order to look up a skirt. Oh right, there are many stalls with floor gaps too. No more illustration is needed.
Please consider that there are many, many reasons for females doing private things or just living (e.g., wearing a skirt) to have fear for their dignity and for their safety.
There are too many things wrong with stalls. I have never seen a stall door that could not easily be kicked in. They are designed to break open instead of destroying the entire structure. Stalls provide almost no safety at all. They provide at most some visual privacy for those not looking to easily defeat it.
I detest being the one to bring up male advantage as some instead glory in it, but sometimes it is needed. 98-99% of females on this planet (including trained athletes) I can throw into that stall in a moment. I am strong but not at all rare in this ability.
Never mind that I am tall enough to look down over most bathroom stalls and remove all privacy for occupants. Unless the stall walls go to the ceiling, every private view is available to even short criminals from an extended arm and phone camera. This is already a common bullying tactic by girls to other girls at school. This is not lost on boys who, before cell phones, would place a mirror on their foot in order to look up a skirt. Oh right, there are many stalls with floor gaps too. No more illustration is needed.
Please consider that there are many, many reasons for females doing private things or just living (e.g., wearing a skirt) to have fear for their dignity and for their safety.
There are too many things wrong with stalls. I have never seen a stall door that could not easily be kicked in. They are designed to break open instead of destroying the entire structure. Stalls provide almost no safety at all. They provide at most some visual privacy for those not looking to easily defeat it.
All great points. Thank you.
You are kind. I did not read your original comment correctly.